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Our Curriculum

for 2 Year Olds


Two year olds are ready to take off in every direction to explore the world! Fueled by their blossoming self-confidence and independence, children begin developing more complex skills through hands-on learning.

They use various art materials, engage in imaginative play, and build fine and gross motor skills by activities such as working with play-doh, cutting with child-size scissors, and participating in music and movement. Our language-filled classrooms support literacy development through play, reading books, and scribbling, all the while encouraging having meaningful conversations with peers and adults.

We strive to develop the children’s sense of independence by teaching them to feed themselves, to bathroom independently, and to help assume responsibility for their environment. In our classrooms, busy toddlers build with blocks, rock baby dolls, complete simple puzzles, and collaborate with teachers to create beautiful works of art. As they sit together, teachers and children discuss the process, make decisions, and compose art -an excellent time for learning as well as for building a close relationship with each other.

Our daily Circle times bring the class together for learning through song, delving into books, and introducing new concepts and ideas as a classroom community. With guidance and encouragement from caring staff, children accomplish tasks, improve their social skills, and develop a love of learning.

Do you remember the wonder of being a backyard explorer? Time spent outside allows for exploration and observation, appropriate risk-taking, and supports the interest of science. Through outdoor play and in peer interactions, children build vocabulary, empathy, and problem-solving skills through sharing, waiting turns, and learning to meet their own needs. It is our goal to nurture children into becoming a caring community of learners. Come join our quest for wonder!


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@2024 Country Day School of Baton Rouge